Are We?
We are a team that believes in individual freedoms and limited states as the fundamental pillar for the development of a democratic system, formed by people who seek to counteract the threats facing western civilization. We believe in competition, meritocracy, free markets and the family as the most important nucleus for the generation of prosperity.
We promote candidates, parties and institutions that wish to implement measures backed by economic science and historical evidence to drastically reduce poverty and political patronage, providing all people with opportunities to progress based on their own efforts, so that they can take care of their families without the need to beg for handouts from politicians and the State.
We want to recover common sense within politics and encourage individual freedoms as the basis for the construction of an unbreakable democratic system where everyone is part through merit and their qualities, and not by political, racial or gender quotas, which, in the long run derives in corruption, nepotism, high bureaucracy and ineffectiveness of institutions.
We believe in humanity, we believe in common sense, we believe in national sovereignty and economic sciences. We seek to leave behind the failed projects of societies planned by bureaucrats that have caused so many famines and repression throughout history.
Communications consultancy
Research, analysis and public policy proposals
Implementation of digital campaigns
Advertising campaigns
Public relations
Speech writing
SWOT reports
We place political candidates in positions of power
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Emmanuel Rincón
Emmanuel Rincón es escritor, abogado, periodista y comentarista político, ha publicado 8 libros y cientos de artículos sobre política en el hemisferio occidental, además de los libros de ensayo “La reinvención ideológica de América Latina” y «El hombre jugando a ser Dios». Rincón suma más de medio millón de seguidores en redes sociales, su cuenta de X se encuentra entre las más influyentes del mundo según el ranking de Notus, promedia más de 120 millones de impresiones mensuales con alcance a millones de personas en todo el territorio hispanohablante. Ha trabajado y colaborado con diferentes medios de comunicación, think tanks y agencias de marketing.